How to gain experience as a make-up artist

Make-up artistry is a highly competitive industry. If you're passionate about make-up and want to turn it into a career, gaining experience is a crucial step towards achieving your goal. However, with so many make-up artists already established in the industry, it can be difficult to know where to start. In this blog post, we will explore some practical ways to gain experience as a make-up artist and build a solid foundation for your career. Whether you're looking to work in the fashion industry, film and television, or the beauty industry, these tips will help you gain the skills and experience needed to succeed.

What experience does a makeup artist need?

None at all, we all start somewhere and practice makes perfect! I was offered a job at 18 for Christian Dior cosmetics and I had no make-up artist experience at all, I was hired for my personality, and I learnt on the job. My skills in makeup artistry grew over time from constantly experimenting and practicing. Anyone can become a professional makeup artist if you want it enough and work hard. MUA training does come in handy to fast track your skills and let you know different tips and tricks in the industry.

What qualifications do you need to be a MUA?

None - I have never been asked for a qualification in my life until now when I wanted to teach make-up. However having insurance is important as you need to be covered when applying products to peoples faces and skins, the insurance companies will usually ask for proof of make-up artist training. My accredited courses are recognised by most insurers. 

Which course is best for a make-up artist?

My Accredited Pro Bundle course - it teaches 7 very different make-up looks, 3 individual bridal and bridal party looks, 10 hair styles - you could be asked on any number of jobs if you can do hair too and it will always go in your favour if you have that added skill, my courses cover health and safety, customer service, kit and carrier recommendations, business and industry advice, social media support and feedback on your work. 

All make-up courses differ and depends on the style you would prefer to learn in. 

How long does it take to train as a make-up artist?

I think it would be wise to set aside a week - full time to fully absorb all information taught in my accredited hair & make-up artist courses and recreate yourself. 

What can you earn as a make-up artist? 

Honestly speaking I think up to £1000 a day, however that doesn’t include if you decided to launch a cosmetics range or open 1 or more beauty shops.

How much does a make-up kit cost? 

A make-up kit certainly isn’t cheap as you can imagine you need multiple products to cater for all skins and looks. However there are so many more affordable brands around today that do amazing products like Plouise and Morphe etc it’s certainly got easier! Plus buying online from places like look fantastic, cult beauty and feel unique that constantly offer discounts is a huge help! Plus build the kit as you go don’t feel a pressure to have everything straight away, my kit started small and even with lots of bits I’d been given, by make-up brands I’d worked with or friends and colleagues. 


Becoming a make-up artist: entry qualifications and training


Career Choices for Makeup Artistry